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Security and Privacy, meet Anonymity.

Unlimited bandwidth, Malware, Virus,

and ad blocking all for 6.25 cents per day.


The Internet is an increasingly hostile environment.  In this age of supercookies, zero day exploits, and Snowden revelations anonymity is harder to retain than a fading memory.  The Yi Sun-shin adds a layer of anonymity to the security of a hardware firewall and the privacy of a VPN. 

With this Tiny Hardware Firewall no one entity will know if you are using Tor, a VPN, your IP address, physical location, identity, DNS requests, which Internet services you are using or the content of your encrypted Internet traffic.  This protection extends to your apple watch, phone, tablet, laptop; anything with a WiFi or Ethernet connection.

The 2015 and 2016 Yi Sun-Shin OpenVPN and Tor Enabled Tiny Hardware Firewalls

The 2015 and 2016 Yi Sun-Shin OpenVPN and Tor Enabled Tiny Hardware Firewalls


There is no software to download, install, or configure.  The Tiny Hardware Fireall can be powered by anything with a USB port including USB batteries typically used for recharging phones.

Purchase Here


Please click here more information on anonymity and The Tor Project.